Sunday, March 8, 2009

So, I haven't stopped knitting, crocheting or anything but school and a new puppy have taken away almost all free time to here is a super quick post.
This is the second clap that I have made. The first one went to a friend who was diagnosed with cancer. I really like the way it turned out and the way it looks but this has got to be one of the most boring patterns ever.

And this gem is the best instant gratification project ever, I completed it while watching two movies. Awesome no?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Belated Holidays!

I have way too many unfinished projects, but the one project that I was able to finish was a simple crocheted scarf for hubby. He likes darker colors and he hates scarfs that "roll up" so I decided to crochet rather than knit a scarf for him. It was extremely simple- I just did stripes in single, half and double crochet.

Not only was it quick, but I feel as though it barely used up any yarn! I also made the scarf incredibly long because he likes to double the scarf and pull the ends through the loop rather than just wrapping it around his neck. He measured it and the final length of the scarf was around 8 feet!!

Because it is winter break (and I am NOT taking classes for once) I am trying to design a knitted sweater. It will be knit from the top down, use raglan increases, and not be too form fitting. I am thinking more of a kimono meets cardigan for the fit of the sweater. I also did 12 row stripe pattern because working in stockknit stitch is enough to make a person's brain turn to mush! I am actually almost done with the main body (minus the button bands that will need to be picked up and knitted on the front). So, more pictures will be to follow. As some of you may have guessed, I am using Simply Soft Eco for the yarn. While I love the yarn and the idea of reusing bottles, I am really missing using some other fibers (mainly wool and soy).

And my last item in this post is a work in progress for needlepoint. I think it is really neat how the images in needlepoint evolve and I thought I would take pictures of it every so often to see how this progresses. This will be one needlepoint in a series of three that will become living room pillows for the couch.

Sorry about the darkness of the pictures but the sun has been a no-show for quite a while.

Well, I hope that everyone had an amazing holiday and happy crafting!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What I should be doing is my finals.

So, I still have finals to do, study for, papers to write and presentations to do but hey- why not pick up yet another hobby? Still not much knitting going over because of time constraints and I like seeing my projects get done. While hanging out with my mother I got a hold of some embroidery floss and a book on counted cross stitch. I also decided that trying a cute and easy pattern wasn't the most appealing option so I went for a flower that is really really pretty and uses way too many colors. While doing this I learned a few things:
- using white thread on off-white fabric is stupid
- Counted cross stitch doesn't take as long as one may think
- It is much more relaxing than I thought
- there is counting involved, this doesn't get too difficult until you realize that it is impossible to count white stitches on an off white background
- the fabric that comes in those cheap little kits kinda sucks

Other fun things include almost being done with a baby blanket (shown with the baby booties) and I am unsure how big to make a baby blanket because I am unsure how big babies are. Anyhow, only a few more motifs, a border and some flowers and I will be done! I am hoping that this will be done after this weekend.

I am really excited to see how the mother and father react to the gifts. I have been keeping track of how many plastic bottles are being used for this baby set and I have counted up almost 6 bottles. Kinda neat that a baby can be an excuse to help.

Lastly, I am waiting for a directory of crochet stitches to get delivered to my doorstep so I can make a last minute scarf for my husband as a surprise. I already got a nice olive green color yarn for the scarf, and had come up with a knitting pattern but unfortunately I don't have the time for knitting.

Good luck to all other students who are trying to get A's in classes, not lose their mind over projects, and are trying to figure out their thesis!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I have a finished object and a new work in progress (since the blanket and hat isn't enough). This pattern was easy to follow but I think that I am going to be trying out something a little different for the next pair. Hopefully the booties fit the baby because I have absolutely no idea how big a baby's feet are. I was going to make a sweater for the baby, but then realized that the baby was going to be born in March and that a sweater for a baby in the summer may not be the best idea in the world.

The other project that is threatening to take up too much of my homework time is a scarf that I am crocheting. It is a pattern that I am making up so I will most likely be able to throw up a brand new pattern for you guys (although I am pretty sure that this pattern is similar to many others). Anyhow, thats it for now.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Babies, Some Bamboo, and a Book

Here is a super duper post for everyone, so I will start with the first part- babies. John and I have some friends who are expecting (we will find out the gender in a few weeks, yeay!!) and I have started a baby blanket for them.

The picture came out dark and makes the colors all look really "blah", but I am taking a (long) break from homework to write this post so when I am done with it I will post a good picture taken in good light to give you the full effect. It is a motif that I got out of the book "Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs" and I am really pleased with it. Of course, I am using the new love of my life for this project- Caron Simply Soft Eco and so far I have estimated that five plastic bottles will be used. Of course, the softness and the durability of the yarn will be perfect for baby. On a not entirely different note, one of my friend's sister is expecting a baby and I will be teaching her how to crochet as well so maybe I will actually have a craft buddy now! *crosses fingers*

So, going out of order and moving onto the "book" part of this post, I went to my local thrift store today and was pleasantly surprised at a few awesome finds! The first was this book Your Guide to Creativity that I found for only five bucks and it has tons of information that makes me want to add way much to my to do list. It is an amazing reference for a ton of stuff and really wish that I would have had this book when I was making the floral arrangements for my wedding! Some things that I want to now do (we'll see just how many I actually do) include:

  • making pillowcase covers for our old couch pillows
  • slip covering the kitchen chairs
  • creating a nice looking table piece for the kitchen and the living room table
  • try some new ideas when I scrapbook next
  • making my own ribbon flowers for . . . something that has yet to be determined
I really didn't need this book to help me add to my to do list, but at least I am now adding items that are not homework!

Now moving onto the 'bamboo' part is the other fun finding that I came across in the thrift store, a package of four bamboo handles! Now, if you look closely at the picture you will notice one problem. Four handles . . . three different sizes. This was something that I noticed after I got home and opened it and I was frustrated at first (who wants two handles that don't even match?!) so I went to do some homework. And then took a nap. And then, came up with an awesome pattern idea that I will be making up for a purse that will only use one handle. The best part? There will be a knitted version and a crocheted version so everyone will be able to make one! And I am going to write a pattern for a normal, two handled purse as well. But I am pretty excited about the One Ring Purse pattern idea and so far I haven't seen anything else like it online so hopefully I will have a few people looking forward to a really neat pattern coming up!

That is all for this post, back to the homework for me . . .

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bored with the look of this site. . .

I want to make this site look a little better, but not sure what I want so this is to let everyone one that this site may look a little odd for a while- but links and posts should NOT be affected in anyway!

Free Scarf Pattern!

I finished the scarf! It is vibrant, soft, and squishy and I love it.

I made this pattern because I wanted a subtly striped scarf. After falling in love with this color I decided that instead of using two different colors, I would use two different textures to create noticeable, but subtle strips. This scarf pattern is easy to memorize, and quick to knit up. The width of the scarf can be changed by casting on more or less stitches, and the length of the scarf can be lengthened or shortened depending on how many repeats you knit.
This pattern calls for Caron Simply Soft Eco® which is a yarn line that not only has beautiful colors, but is also 20% post-consumer plastic bottles. For each scarf knitted from this yarn, one entire plastic bottle has been used and kept out of the crowded landfills. I plan on making a matching hat and mitten set to match this scarf at a later date so keep your eyes peeled!

I have added this free pattern to a new "Free Patterns" category on the right side bar. Feel free to print it off for you and your friends! Also, let me know if you make your pattern because I would love to see this scarf in different colors